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Writer's pictureScribe of Spirit


It’s been the best of times and the worst of times – literally.

This corona wave of craziness blowing through our lives right now is a horrible and unprecedented instrument of chaos. Yet it could be just be the disruption we didn’t know we needed.

I listened to an amazing podcast from one of my favourite motivational speakers, Henry Ammar, featuring Whitney Johnson, an expert on disruptive innovation who advocates for disrupting your life as a way to force yourself to grow – and boy was she right.

To sit in self-reflection, in isolation, in silence – forces you to break through a layer that binds you, that holds you back from your true potential. In breaking through you rise to new heights and freedom you never realized you had.

Having lived a life of anxiety, years ago I would have sneered at the thought of all this positive thinking. There was a layer around me then keeping me dour and angry at the world. Angry at myself, at the things I didn’t want to see. Didn’t want to know.

But through meditating, energy healing and deep self-reflection I have come to face those dark shadows within, bring them to the surface and clear them in what I like to call a progress of realization, reflection and release – The 3 R’s.

First you Realize there is something within, something that is holding you back. A resistance to moving forward and stepping into your highest good. It may come in the form of negative self-talk: “You can’t do that you don’t have the skills”, “It’ll take SO MUCH WORK to get to where you want to be, might as well just stay small.” “You can’t, you can’t, you can’t.”

If there’s a voice telling you you can’t that is a voice of resistance. And it’s perfectly ok, perfectly normal, in fact to have these thoughts and feelings. They do not make you wrong in any way. They are just the voices of your ego reflected in different ways. For me it’s often been voices for others it’s a weight of dread and fear, a feeling of suffocating, a frozen feeling of fear. Whatever the form it takes with you all you have to do for now is realize it’s there.

Then you Reflect on these voices, thoughts, blocks within. Why are they there? What are they really trying to tell you? What are they covering up? The answer is always rooted in some form of fear. Fear of failure, fear of not being enough, fear of being seen. Again, whatever your reflection of this realization tells you is ok. It is what is right for you and will lead to your resolution if you face it and move through it. Really sit with these feelings, however uncomfortable they may be. In fact, the more uncomfortable the better.

PRO TIP – What I envision doing as I come up against these blocks is to breathe through them. If you are familiar with meditation you know the importance of the breath to center and calm yourself. Try it right now – and don’t worry about feeling or looking stupid!

-> Breathe in 1-2-3-4 and breathe out 1-2-3-4. Feel better? Great! Keep reading…

Eventually (and yes this does take time) you will come to a place where you can Release these negative blocks and free yourself from your own limitations. It will take time, patience and passionate perseverance but you CAN do it. For some this comes easily for others it is a hard road. Whatever the case for you is what is meant to be for you and will strengthen you in just the right way for the result you are meant to achieve.

Keep moving forward. Meditate on what is holding you back, bring intention into your meditations, actions and deeds to always be bettering yourself. Slowly but surely your mind will start to change. You will want to better yourself; you will want to do good things for yourself and soon support will flow into your life – All you need to do is ask and trust in the Universe; it has your back, this I promise you.

This loving Source of infinite power is there waiting for YOU, waiting for us all to trust and surrender to it so it may guide us to our highest good.

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